Sunday, October 25, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
2nd october press release IMD
Monsoon Watch· The well marked low pressure area over Telangana & neighbourhood persists. | |
Main Features (based on 1430 hrs IST Observations) · Fairly widespread rainfall activity with isolated heavy to very heavy falls is likely over Orissa and Andhra Pradesh during next 24 hours and will decrease in Andhra Pradesh thereafter. |
Record floods in Tungabhadra, Krishna
Thursday, October 1, 2009
IMD Notice
Monsoon Watch
· The well marked low pressure area over westcentral Bay of Bengal and adjoining north coastal Andhra Pradesh & south coastal Orissa persists.
Main Features (based on 1430 hrs IST Observations)
· Fairly widespread rainfall activity with isolated heavy to very heavy falls is likely over Orissa during next 24 hours and over Andhra Pradesh during next 48 hours.
Heavy rains in parts of Andhra Pradesh State
School Children understand Drought
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Mrs. Janardhan Reddy_kothur_Midjil_MBNR_16aug09
Sunday, Aug 16, 2009Komraya_peddamaduru_warangal_16aug09
Posted by GEOECOLOGY ENERGY ORGANISATION at 10:08 PM | MAKE A COMMENTSaturday, August 15, 2009
Drought 2009 cause and what can be done?!
The drought is rare of this magnitude and for many people it is a one generation memory. Meteorological and information factors are responsible for this situation. Other cumulative factors are:
· Global recession
· Increase in commodity prices
· Occurrence of diseases
· Increase and decrease in real estate prices
· Up and down of stock market
· Availability of credit is low
· National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme – Deviation of labor for indirect natural resources enhancement activities rather contributing to the direct production activities. This has lead to Non availability of labor or uneconomical to hire them.
Although the Andhra Pradesh state government is spending lots of money for the irrigation projects, but the lack of rains and water source impacts all. Each family has optimum number of pots for water collection based on the usage and interval of supply as in case of drinking / domestic water supplied at household level / community taps. The number of structures being planned for recharge, retention and reuse, as mentioned (in the coming book of Frank van Steenbergen) are not being done on scientific basis. In the process false hopes are created for the people. As a result, it is like people are waiting at the taps with empty pots, unsure of the quantity and the timing and also they are not prepared for the untimely surplus. The seasonality is disturbed due to the climate change factors in many parts. In Andhra Pradesh the traditional seasonality has been disturbed, so the sowing. More over the seeds are not traditional they are Hybrid / genetically modified and has very less relationship to the seasonality of weather factors. The misinformation by the responsible agencies regarding the rains is another major cause of failure of crops. Due to intense communication media, farmers are able to get the information from the weather announcements. This year monsoons arrival was predicted ahead of the normal time, the depressions occurring and the rainfall estimates were wrong, so farmers have made mistakes. IMD did not consider the el-nino impact on the Indian monsoon, if they have declared this year a very low rainfall year, people could have shifted to low water consuming crops / would have stopped sowing. Billions worth seed, inputs and the labor is lost.
We do have patterns of good and bad years, but drought of this magnitude is a rare thing to happen. The coping is more important than looking for adaptation at the moment. Farmers are asking what to do now. Here are some of the possibilities:
1. Conserving the resources
a. Water in the tanks
b. Conserving the trees
c. Conserving fodder rather selling
d. Food grains storage rather selling
2. Coping
a. Prioritizing the sale in distress
b. Continue to do any work which provides food or wage
c. Stop risking through going for borewells / wells
d. Reduce input costs
e. Ensure drinking water for people and animals
f. Food and fodder security
3. Not to do
a. Don’t sell your land
b. Try avoiding getting credit – the interest rates would swallow you
c. Stop unnecessary spending on the cultural / social events – festivals, marriages, etc.
d. Be united rather being in nuclear / dis-jointed families.
e. Don’t cut / sell trees
f. Take care of the health, so as to reduce the expenses on health
4. Prepare for the adaptation
a. Micro-irrigation practices
b. Go for Sustainable and subsistence crops rather just commercial crops
c. Social networks are useful be in the groups existing at various levels
As facilitators what we can do:
Document the happenings to understand the impact and support the administration and civil society.
Contribute to long term plans / programs
Create large scale awareness among the policy makers, farmers, etc.
What else can we do?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
IMD Press release
Ministry of Earth Sciences
India Meteorological Department
Press Release
Dated 10 August, 2009
Subject: Monsoon- 2009: Update
Status of Monsoon 2009 (1 June – 09 August)
The cumulative seasonal rainfall for the country as a whole during 1
June to 09 August 2009 has been 28% below the Long Period Average (LPA).
Progressive week by week cumulative rainfall departure from LPA during monsoon season 2009 for the country as a whole and over the four broad homogeneous regions of India are given in Table 1.
Out of 36 meteorological sub-divisions, the cumulative rainfall during 1 June to 09 August has been excess/normal over 9 and deficient over 24 and scanty over three (West Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi and Telengana) sub-divisions.
Table 1. Week by week progress of monsoon rainfall
The sub-divisions with deficiency of 50% or more include West Uttar Pradesh (-67%), Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi (-64%), Telangana (-60%), East Uttar Pradesh (-53%) and Rayalaseema (-50%).
Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Phones: 24611068, 24618241-47; Fax No. 24699216, 2423220, 24643128
Current Situation
The southwest monsoon activity is likely to improve during current week as the axis of monsoon trough has shifted southward and currently lies near its normal position running to north Bay of Bengal.
An upper air cyclonic circulation lies over northwest Bay of Bengal and adjoining Gangetic West Bengal and north coastal Orissa, extending upto midtropospheric levels.
With the above scenario, fairly widespread rainfall with isolated heavy falls is likely over central and eastern India during next 2-3 days. The rainfall activity is also likely to increase over plains of northwest India and adjoining Rajasthan from 12th onwards for subsequent two to three days.
Updated Monsoon Forecast In view of prevailing rainfall scenario and inputs from statistical and
numerical weather prediction (NWP) models based on latest data, forecast of rainfall during the month of August is revised to 90% ( ± 9%) of normal against earlier forecast of 101% and seasonal forecast (June to September) is revised to 87% ( ± 4%).
Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Phones: 24611068, 24618241-47; Fax No. 24699216, 2423220, 24643128