Sunday, August 9, 2009

This year is unusual regarding rainfall at least in parts of Andhra Pradesh State. Effecting the standing crops, almost farmers have lost more than 50% of the crop in the fields. There is little scope for recovery in spite of hopeful rains in the coming days?! The number of rainy days, timeline of rains and the quantity of rains are responsible for drought. This time the information provided by the various relevant departments has also lead to cause of drought. Early arrival of monsoon and the depressions prediction caused the farmers to take decisions which were detrimental to them now. If they have not sown they could have saved all the seed, input costs and labour. Secondly, if they have followed their own traditional system and not following the responsible departments advices / media attention, probably they could not have been at such a loss. Farmers are asking who is accountable for misinformation? If at all any predictions went wrong they want the same department officials to come before the media and explain them why and where things went wrong and they could not predict exactly, inspite of their so many years of experience / expertise and using all the super computers. If farmers go by information and still drought occurs, this drought could be called as "Information drought" and let us accept it. Because millions of farmers have access to information from the media now.

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